2018 Event Details
what it's like
adelheid dance projects
A dance theatre work
July 26-29th, 2018 Through physical play of aggressive and, sometimes, tender connection, what it’s like contends with brotherhood and boundaries between people. What is togetherness? By letting things happen, how much are we party to them? Who is responsible? what it’s like investigates what happens when we are receptive to where we are, and who is with us.
See their website: www.adelheid.ca
"what it's like" was developed in Residency at The Theatre Centre, and co-produced by adelheid and The Theatre Centre in 2016
Venue: The Finlandia Club
note* “The audience for what it’s like moves around the room with the performers, including taking three steps up onto the stage.”
Scheduled Performance Times:
Thursday July 26th - 8-10pm (Opening Night)
Friday July 27th - 8-10pm (Post-Show Talk Back)
Saturday July 28th - 2-4pm
Sunday July 29th - 12-2pm
Sunday July 29th - 8-10pm (Closing Show)
About adelheid:
adelheid’s mission is to make dance and performance works that reflect the complexities of human behavior and the language of different bodies. Our aim is to devise performance situations inside and outside of traditional frameworks where experience can be shared, and where important questions can be asked.
Through contemporary dance and performance, adelheid explores relationships between people and their environments, as well as issues of human contact, and interaction. This exploration extends from the content to the format of the work, with consideration to the entire experience.
adelheid is concerned with understanding what is temporally relevant, with work that speaks to the ‘realness’ of where we are and who we are, here and now – how we are affected by the world around us. adelheid believes performance can be both about what is understood and what is felt, about both meaning and the human potential to experience.
As in any evolving practice, the company continually renews its approach to teaching, outreach and advocacy in relation to the creative work at its heart. a
adelheid formed in 2008 by Artistic Director Heidi Strauss and Artistic Associate Jeremy Mimnagh after a series of creative collaborations. The company has toured internationally and is currently developing a new work to premiere in late May of 2019.
Production Gallery
The Team
Click each headshot to read their bios.